話說幾天前小飯糰(3歲)向把拔吵著要喝多多. . .
十分鐘後… …
把拔火了:「你~ 玩~ 具~ 收~ 好~ 沒?」
把拔輸了. . . . . .
An excellent negotiator requires not only outstanding speaking skill, quick reaction, but also excellent performing ability. With the help of seemingly vulnerability, its antagonist might even embrace the defeat without a clue. To get what he wants, my son, Josh, is natural to get what he wants with tact.
“Dad, I want to have soda, please.” Josh requested, one day before we were about to leave for work.
“No, you just had. That was enough. You should put away your toy. We’ve got to go.” His dad demanded.
As we were busy preparing to leave, we didn’t pay attention on Josh. 10 minutes later, the floor was still occupied by his toys.
“NOW YOU PUT A WAY YOUR TOY!!” His dad was very upset seeing the non-progressed room.
Innocently, looking at his father, Josh sad, “Daaad, I put away the toys and then have soda, right?”
Without thinking twice, his daddy answered, “YES, you do it, NOW!!”
Josh won.