直到… …我們買了一臺麵包機,那塵封已久的麵糰之火,再度被點燃。
量好麵粉、水、酵母,按照說明書上的指示,逐一丟入麵包機中,據說隔天就會在麵包香中醒來… … (格林童話睡美人的飯糰媽版)
半夜偷偷跑去廚房看那臺神奇的麵包機,還幻想著是不是有一群小精靈在揉麵糰。(如果有,我可能在驚嚇之餘拿拖鞋打死他們吧…) 我隔著觀景窗看麵糰跳舞,看了20分鐘,只見麵包機或快或慢地翻攪著,然後傳說中的麵糰就出現了…
“Dough” had been categorized on my “mission impossible” list until one day we purchased a “toast machine”. It is said this miraculous machine can make dough and bake. With the fantasy of waking up in the aroma of fresh bread, we spent a “fortune” taking this dreamy machine home.
Pouring the flours, water and yeast into the baking pot, I went to bed hoping Tom Cruise will help to complete this mission.
The next morning, the legendary scene appears—my whole family is awaken by the aroma of fresh toast!
(I seriously doubt that Sleeping Beauty was actually awaken by food, not a kiss, for she had slept for a long time. She must be STARVING!!)